307 Grafton St #203, Shrewsbury, MA 01545

The Dangers Of Untreated Tooth Loss

shrewsbury tooth loss

When you lose a tooth, this could cause serious complications for your oral health and quality of life. This is especially true if you suffer from more than one missing tooth. In today’s blog, your Shrewsbury, MA, dentist talks about the dangers of untreated tooth loss, and how we can help with dental implants.

The Causes of Your Tooth Loss

What causes one or more teeth to become lost? This could be due to issues like injury to the face or jaw, untreated cavities or infection, or even the advanced stage of gum disease, known as periodontitis. As part of your treatment, we will examine the smile to see if you need treatment for any underlying oral health issues. We want to make sure these issues don’t impact your new teeth, so your smile can stay whole for years to come, possibly decades!

What Missing Teeth Does to a Smile

When you lose teeth, this could impact how you eat and speak, and lead to embarrassment in social situations. As the body stops sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the jawbone around the missing roots, this could weaken the jaw to cause further tooth loss and even an older appearance! But if we replace your missing tooth or teeth with dental implants, we can offer an option that not only fills the gaps in your smile, but helps strengthen the jawbone to prevent further tooth loss and keep your youthful facial features intact.

A Solution with Dental Implants

Our team will begin by examining your smile to choose the best angle, position, and depth to insert your dental implant posts. We then guide these biocompatible, titanium posts into place. Since the body accepts them as natural root structure, this causes the flow of crucial nutrients to the jaw to resume, keeping your smile whole. We can address one missing tooth, completing the post with an abutment and a custom-made dental crown. We can also address more substantial cases of tooth loss, securing a bridge or even a full set of dentures with multiple dental implant posts.

If you have any questions about how our team will tackle tooth loss and help you smile with confidence for years to come, then contact our office today. We want to offer results that look and function like natural teeth, and help you smile with confidence for years to come.

Do You Have a Lost Tooth?

The team at Modern Dentistry of Shrewsbury in MA is ready to help you enjoy a full and beautiful smile once again. Which is why we offer dental implants to our patients, whether they have lost one tooth or all of them. To schedule an appointment with us, call our office today at 508-842-8838.